من طرف نور القلب السبت 19 يناير 2008 - 10:31
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
دى يا جماعه بتهايلى اهم (معظم)التعريفات اللى فى منهج البرمجه كله والله اعلم ياريت تفيدكم لو حد عنده اضافه ياريت يكتبها
وده يا جماعه ملف للى عايز يحمله لانه بتهايلى التعريفات مش واضحه هنا
**dom : •some XML parsers store document data as tree
structures in memory
dtd: •XML documents can reference optional documents that specify how the XML documents should be structured.
**A style sheet is just a plain text file that’s linked
into a Web page
**selector:identifies one or more HTML elements that you
want to work with.
**declaration:consists of a property and a value that specifies how to format the elements identified by the selector
**A descendant selector selects elements based on their position in the
document hierarchy
**Presence of an attribute: To test an element to see whether it contains an
**Exact value of an attribute: To select an element based on the value of an
attribute, you add the information to the selector
**JavaScript::is a scripting language that works
with an HTML document to create interactive Web pages ,such as image rollovers
**An event: is at the heart of scripting in Web
pages, is anything that happens to any object in
the DOM — including all HTML elements, and
the document
**object:: in a script is any element that might
be found inside a Web page, such as a table
element, a collection of links
**Property: An attribute associated with an
object that helps describe it.
**Method: An action or behavior that can be
performed by the object.
**Global variable: outside of a function is a global
variable, you can access it from any other
part of the document.
**Local variable: accessible only to the function
itself and is destroyed when the function is
done processing.
**function is a named group of JavaScript
commands and statements that has to be
explicitly called by an event or your script
before it’s executed
**submit() method triggers a form to be submitted
to the server for processing
**write() method of the document enables you to
“write” new content to the Web page.
**Error message:you receive this error message because
you’ve forgotten a semicolon, a parenthesis, or
a curly brace.
**Parse error: parse error in c:\test.php on line 6
**Warning message::The script continues to execute the statements
after the print_r statement
**Warning: print_r() expects at least 1 parameter,
given in d: test1.php on line 9.
**A heredoc::enables you to tell PHP
where to start and end reading a string.
**sprintf statements::allow you to
format strings, numbers, and a mix of both
strings and numbers.